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what is Virechan and benefits of Virechan?


Virechan therapy a purification therapy is one of the karmas of panchakarma where herbal drugs are used to induce purgation and expels pitta dosha thus curing the disease.

Dosha that is expelled through anus is called virechan. Vaman is a treatment of choice in diseases occurring due vitiated pitta dosha. Virechan panchakarma is a sanshodhan karma because it expels the doshas from the body.As described below in a shloka by charaka.
“विरेचनं पित्तहाराणं”  ch.su. 25/40

In comparison to vaman, virechan is less complicated.

There are two types of virechan i.e snigdha and ruksha virechan. Snigdha is used when pitta dosha is associated with vata dosha and rooksha virechana is when kapha dosha is associated with pitta.

Drugs for ayurvedic virechan therapy or panchakarma virechan treatment/virechan panchakarma/virechan ayurvedic treatment are classified into 4 types-

Anuloman (carminatives)
Drugs that ripens the waste, breaks it, and expels them through anus is said to be anuloman drugs.

Sransan (laxatives)
Drugs that expels the waste outside the body through the anus without ripening them is called sransan dravya.

Bhedana (drastic purgatives)
These type of drugs are used for wastes that are very solid.

Rechan or virechak (purgatives)
Riped or raw waste is thinned and expelled from anus with the help of purgatives.

Qualities of virechan dravya is same as that of vamak dravya (ushna, teekshana, sookshama,vayvayi, and vikashi) except the quality of prithvi and jalmahabhoot which makes it expel through anus.

Virechan therapy is done in pitta dominating diseases, kapha pitta sansagra and when pitta ocuupies the location of kapha.

Purvakarma includes use of deepan and pachan drugs (appetizers and digestive drugs) followed by oral administration of medicated oil/ghee according to the nature of koshtha. Then the patient goes through abhyanga and swedana.

Pradhankarma (main procedure)
According to the strength and koshtha of a person virechan drugs such as trivrit, shyama, danti, dravanti, vacha, chitrak, gawakshi etc are administered.

Thrirty bouts is ideal for to the mark virechankarma. Twenty bouts is moderate and ten bouts should be minimum.The patient is observed for symptoms of appropriate virechan therapy.

Sansarjanakarma (paschatkarma) post operative procedures
Patient is advised a particular life style and dietary habits for days that depends upon number of bouts expelled after taking virechan drugs.

After appropriate virechan therapy hands,feet and face of the patient is washed with warm water and then kept in a closed room.

Symptoms after virechan

Feeling of weakness
Feels light
Removal of toxins from thoracic region
Improvement in complexion
Cleansing of thoughts, senses and feeling of wellbeing
Vata moves downward
Improves digestive system
Cleans all the body channels.
Improves sensory and motor functions

Virechan treatment benefits/panchakarma virechan treatment benefits in curing the following diseases-
All diseases caused by vitiate pitta
Skin diseases
Worm infestation
Chronic fever
Digestive disorders
Splenomegaly etc

Virechan therapy is contraindicated in 

Old age
Ulcer in colon
Severe chronic constipation
Rectum prolapse
Patient suffering from indigestion due to mand agni
Excess snehan and swedana
Forign body in stomach
People under depression
Bleeding from rectum
Immediately after vamana or basti and etc.

One who wants to go for virechan therapy and take advantage of virechan treatment benefits, Aasha ayurveda is the ultimate solution for them. Here in Aasha ayurveda highly skilled professionals perform the therapy using pure herbal medicines that is safe from any side effects.

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