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Swarn Prashan for Child

 Swarn Prashan For Child

In todays world of modern medicine there are many side effects and it becomes challenging for the parents to help their kids fight against the surrounding diseases. Swarnaprashan is being practiced for ages by our ancestors. It is one of the sixteen sanskaras mentioned in the ayurvedic texts. It is administered from birth up to 16 years of age as it intend to build the psychological and physical development in children.


Ayurveda mentions a practice of administration of processed gold in children, which is known as swarnaprashan. Administration of gold in the form of bhasma is beneficial in improving the digestion, immunity and improves the intellect and increases the life span. Swarnaprashan is administered as a supplementary care and newborn care. It has multiple benefits such as general health promoter and other benefits mentioned above. It is recommended to use purified and processed form of gold.


We all know that metals and minerals have been used since ages and gold is considered the most precious and auspicious  metal. It is used as ornaments, coins etc and also used for preventive and curative purposes. Ayurveda has mentioned many medicinal properties of gold being used in different forms. Amongst the seven metals gold is considered the purest of all.




Gold cannot be consumed in a metallic form hence it is converted into ashes. It is said to boost immunity and enhance memory. Honey is the other ingredient that improves digestion and helps in fighting inflammation. Ghrita the third ingredient acts as a medium in which the medicine is prepared.




Swarnaprashan administered as a supplementary care or lehana comprises of many herbal drugs, ghrita and gold alone. Some of the benefits of swarnaprashan include –


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Promotes intelligence

Improves digestion, metabolism, physical strength, immunity etc

Increases strength

Increases the life span

It is considered auspicious

Is virtuous


Improves the color and complexion

It is said to protect from microorganisms


A child can get the benefits of swarnaprashan depending upon how long it has been administered. When a baby is given swarnaprashan for a month it improves the intelligence and protects the baby from diseases. When administered for 6 months the baby will remember the things just heard. The swarnaprashansanskar can be given from birth to upto 16 years of age. It is administered on empty stomach and usually preferred in the morning.


It is recommended to take swarnaprashan on pushyanakshatra. It is one of the most auspicious of the 27 nakshatras.


Swarnaprashan when compared to the modern concept resembles vaccination that prevents diseases. Swarnprashan does not act against any particular disease but is said to improve the overall immune response of a child.


There are certain contraindications such as digestive disorder, diarrhea,acute fever etc in which swarnaprashan should not be administered.


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