What is pcos treatment in ayurveda in Delhi?
Ayurvedic medicine for PCOS is chosen according to the pathogenesis of the syndrome. Trikatu churan, haritki churan, hingwashtak churan, chitrakadi gutika etc are used for agnimandaya and aampachana. These herbs facilitate the apana- vatanulomana. For obesity use of takrasrishta, madhu along with yava, kulattha etc as diet modification is mentioned in obesity (atishtula) chapter in Charaka Samhita. Life style changes along with routine exercise plays a critical role in managing obesity. Shatpushpa and shatavari churna is udes in females having regular menstrual cycle but not being able to conceive. Kanchnara guggulu and sukumara ghrita is beneficial in reducing the size of the cyst. Vamana karma is a part of panchakarma procedure that removes the blockage of the body channels by eliminating vitiated kapha. Reducing the kapha dosha increases aartava. Uttara basti is a medicated enema administered through the vaginal or urethral route. Uttara basti with dhanvantari oil removes the obstruction of aartavaha srotas. Pathadi kwatha along with matra basti of shatpushpa oil after the menstrual cycle stops is very beneficial as it has the properties of aampachana, vatanulomana, agnideepana, srotoshodhana and vata-kaphashamana. Other herbal drugs for PCOS treatment medication are narayana taila, pushpadhanva rasa, rason kalpa, kumaryasava etc are used in