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What is difference between PCOD and PCOD ?

The two of them sound the same and may also mean the same at some point. But there are some differences between them. PCOD or Polycystic Ovarian Disease is limited to menstrual cycle and imbalance in the periods like reduction in the flow of blood. PCOD is the small or mild form of the disease. It is harmful but not to a great extent. PCOS which is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is basically enhanced or advanced appearance of this disease. This condition is a little typical and various symptoms are visible if you have PCOs. Ayurveda is always there to treat people who have PCOS or PCOD. Some symptoms of PCOS include instant growth of facial hair, the appearance of acne/pimples, weight gain in the middle section of the body and often missing periods. PCOS is also caused due to hormonal imbalance which is mainly because of increased production of insulin and testosterone. But, treating it in the most convenient way was never visible to people. Aasha Ayurveda is the perfect spot where you can find solutions for all your problems. 

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Aasha Ayurveda

Aasha Ayurveda is Ayurvedic Clinic in Delhi, Lucknow, Mumbai and Pune Specializes in Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility, PCOS/PCOD, fallopian Tubal block, Endometriosis, Garbhsanskar Classes, Menstural Disorders etc.

Aasha Ayurveda Delhi Address

J-146 Near Rajouri Garden Metro Station New Delhi- 110027
+91 9811773770

Aasha Ayurveda Lucknow UP

3/45 Viram Khand, Patrakarpuram Crossing Rd, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010
+91 9811773770

Aasha Ayurveda Dadar Mumbai

No 1, Ground Floor, Sharda Mansion, Dadar East, Madhavadas Pasta Maarg, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400014
+91 9999123513

Aasha Ayurveda Hyderabad

No. 16-11-741/D, Indira Nagar Road, Near Metro Pillar No: A1517 , Gaddiannaram, Dilsukhnagar Hyderabad, Telangana 500060
+91 9811773770

Aasha Ayurveda Pune Maharashtra

Office No 101, Shivalik Apartment, CST No. 755/7 - 755/8, Karve Road, Opposite Shri Mrutyunjayeshwar Mandir, Kothrud, Pune, Maharashtra- 411038
+91 9811773770