Treat Hydrosalpinx (Fallopian Tube Blockage) without laparoscopy surgery

“Is hydrosalpinx treatment without surgery possible?” Yes, it is possible in Ayurveda. Uttar basti is an effective treatment for opening blocked fallopian tubes. Laparoscopic surgery for hydrosalpinx is a modern-science treatment; whereas, Ayurveda is an ancient medicinal system.”


What you will get to know in this article:
  • What is hydrosalpinx?
  • What causes hydrosalpinx?
  • How is it diagnosed?
  • laparoscopic surgery for hydrosalpinx
  • Hydrosalpinx treatment naturally
  • Natural ways to treat blocked fallopian tubes


When a woman’s fallopian tubes get blocked due to a watery fluid, this condition is known as hydrosalpinx.


But what are fallopian tubes? These are the tubes that attach the ovaries and the uterus in the reproductive system. Each month, the ovary releases an egg that moves in the fallopian tube and waits for sperm for fertilization. When the sperm penetrates it, fertilization takes place.


Then through the fallopian tube, this fertilized egg moves to the uterus and sticks to the lining of the uterus and grows there.


If the fallopian tubes are blocked due to some reason, the sperm cannot possibly reach the egg. Even a fertilized egg may not get to the uterus through the blocked fallopian tubes.


Hydrosalpinx can occur because of the several reasons mentioned below:


  • Abdominal surgery
  • Scarred appendicitis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
  • Endometriosis

When some part of the body gets injured, the tissue healing process starts in that part by the immune system. The inflammation or healing process in the fallopian tube might also be a reason for its blockage.


Several methods that can be used by the doctor to diagnose hydrosalpinx are:


  • An ultrasound: This is one of the methods but not thought to be very effective. A study claimed that only 34 percent of cases had been found successful in the diagnosis.


  • A sonohysterosalpingographyIn this method, sterile air and saline fluid are passed into the uterus via the woman’s cervix. Simultaneously, the doctor does a transvaginal ultrasound to observe if there is any blockage in the fallopian tubes.


  • Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): HSG is a type of X-ray which is done to observe tubal blockages. The doctor also uses a special dye through the vagina and cervix.


  • Laparoscopic surgery: In laparoscopic surgery, also known as keyhole surgery, the surgeon makes small incisions and inserts a camera. This allows him to see the organs in the reproductive system and remove the fluid.


There are glands in the fallopian tubes that create a watery fluid. This fluid when trapped in the tubes causes hydrosalpinx. However, causes for this are not so clear and are still debated. As mentioned above, small incisions are made for this surgery. Risks involved in the surgery are:

  • Adhesions
  • Damage to nerves
  • Blood clots
  • Problems when passing urine
  • Damage to the bladder, uterus or other organs of the reproductive system





Hydrosalpinx can also be treated naturally. There is a very powerful treatment in Ayurveda called Panchakarma.

What Is Panchakarma?

You can find hydrosalpinx treatment in Ayurveda. Ayurveda believes that when the doshas of a person’s body get into an imbalance, the body is more likely to develop diseases. By cleansing the body in several ways, the doshas can be put into a balance.


Panchakarma therapy has successfully treated many cases of hydrosalpinx. Panchakarma therapy may include:

  • Abhyanga (oil massage)
  • Swedna (herbal steam)
  • Nasya (nasal administration)
  • Basti (Ayurvedic enema)
  • Udvartana (lymphatic massage)


Uttar basti is the major treatment for infertility or blocked fallopian tubes usually followed by abhyanga, massage with medicated oil, and virechan, cleansing by drinking medicated ghee.

Uttar Basti and Hydrosalpinx Treatment

In uttar Basti treatment for hydrosalpinx, the doctor administers medicated ghee or oil into the uterus through the cervix of the patient. The same treatment is given to the patient on alternative days.


But what are the benefits of it in treating hydrosalpinx? The medicated ghee or oil directly reaches the woman’s uterus and fallopian tubes. It cleanses and heals the reproductive organs and can help in opening the fallopian tubes.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C


Vitamin C is considered an immune-power booster. It is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory and can help strengthen the immune system.


It is said that Vitamin C cannot be stored in the body for long; so, it should be taken daily. However, an excessive amount of vitamin C may cause stomachache or diarrhea.


This herb turmeric contains several benefits. Maybe that is why it is used in food in many Indian families.


It is a natural healer and anti-inflammatory. One can take it in a supplement form or add in his/her food.




Lodhra is also seen as a fertility booster. Hence, Ayurvedic doctors also suggest lodhra to increase fertility levels in the patient.

Vaginal streaming

Vaginal streaming to help unblock the tubes has recently caught on. It can be used to treat infertility and menstrual cramps.


However, it cannot be said up to what level it is useful in treating the blocked tubes but more women are giving it a try.


Are you looking for an Ayurvedic treatment for hydrosalpinx? Visit Aasha Ayurveda, in Rajouri Garden in Delhi. Call: +91- 9811773770; Website: