The PCOS Diet Vs. a Normal Diet

"Hormonal imbalance is a common issue in females due to lack of proper nourishment to the body and mind. This leads to painful periods, uterine fibroids, infertility etc. The article is associated with PCOS management through diet."


PCOS is not mentioned in Ayurveda but there are 20 female reproductive tract disorders mentioned in the ancient ayurvedic texts.


Infertility is defined as biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. The state of a woman’s inability to carry pregnancy to full term is also referred as infertility. According to the studies by PCOS experts, polycystic ovarian disease is the leading cause of infertility in women.


Getting pregnant with PCOS is not easy as there is lot of hormonal imbalance in this disease. Fertility treatment in PCOS is all about balancing the hormones. The main hormones responsible for women’s health are estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. Also follicular stimulating hormones, leutinising hormone and gonado trophic releasing hormones secreted by the pituitary gland has a critical role. Ovarian cycle is governed by


the hormones. Imbalance of the hormones restricts the release of ovum by the ovaries.


In Ayurveda the action of the hormones are expressed as the nature of pitta dosha. All the disorders occurring in female reproductive system is due to the imbalance of doshas. Kapha dosha is responsible for mucosal lining on the tissues and nourishes the reproductive system. Vata dosha is responsible for the movement of the follicles during the ovarian cycle.


According to Ayurveda PCOS is a kapha disorder. artava dhatu is responsible for reproduction in the female body and artava srotasa is a channel to supply nourishment to the uterus. In PCOS the kapha dosha blocks vata and pitta thus obstructing the movement.


Diet and lifestyle has a crucial role in dealing with PCOS. Women with PCOS symptoms who want to get pregnant naturally must strictly follow the guidelines of proper diet as losing weight is foremost essential step towards the treatment. Weight loss balances the hormones. A diet with fresh organic fruits and vegetables increases the immunity. Consume a diet that is low in carbohydrates as the body is resistant to insulin. Lentils, chickpeas help in reducing the estrogen level. Avoid refined, processed and white sugar. Avoid coffee and aerated drinks, instead drink plenty of warm water and fresh juices. Avocado, soaked nuts and seeds contain essential fatty acids that is good for health.



Many women with PCOS who are trying to conceive are not aware of the importance of balanced and healthy diet. There is always a question in mind what food to consume and what to avoid in a battle against PCOS. Our traditional food is now replaced by western foods and this has led to unhealthy body. Its time to follow ayurvedic diet. According to ayurveda balancing the three doshas is a key to maintain a good health. Imbalance of vata and kapha dosha results in PCOS symptoms such as irregular menstruation, obesity especially around abdomen, facial hair growth and hormonal imbalance. Its important to know what your body needs.


Find a PCOS specialist in Ayurveda and discuss the symptoms for better planning of the diet chart. One must eat as per individual’s biological clock.




Ayurveda recommends a normal diet according to the body type. Normal ayurvedic diet is a component of ayurveda that has been into practice for many years. Following are the diet according to the doshas-


1)         Pitta dosha – people with pittaja nature must consume cooling (not ice cold) and energizing food. Coriander and mint are the coolingfood. Spices, nuts and seeds should be limited. Sweet ripe fruits and vegetables except garlic, tomatoes and radish.


2)         Vata dosha- avoid dry fruits, bitter herbs, alcohol caffeine and raw vegetables. Consume grounding foods such as egg, yogurt, spinach, avocado etc.



3)         Kapha dosha- barley, buckwheat and rye are best for kapha dosha. Low fat milk, pumpkin and sunflower seeds and all beans except soybean are good.


For those suffering from PCOS, Ayurveda advises certain PCOS diet plan to lose weight.


-Start a day with a herbal tea or a banana or honey water to balance the vata kapha dosha. Planning and following the diet chart is the best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS. Aasha Ayurveda’s polycystic ovarian syndrome treatment in Rajouri Garden, suggest the following diet plan-


-Include whole wheat, ragi, barley, nuts and fermented food such as dosa-idli in your breakfast. Breakfast should be done before 8 am.


-At 11 am take snacks that balances the kapha dosha. Buttermilk with ginger is highly recommended.


-Include small portion of brown rice, lots of fresh organic vegetables and salads in your lunch. Lunch must be taken before 2 pm.


-Dinner includes porridge, vegetables, whole wheat roti, quinoa etc. Avoid heavy meals and take dinner before 8 pm. Make sure to maintain 2 hours gap between dinner and going to bed. The food gets digested and toxin formation is avoided.


Vegetables such as lettuce, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrot, radish, sweet potatoes, beetroot can be taken in any amount. Fruits such as cherries, plums, grapes, black berries and apples are beneficial in PCOS.


A diet with fresh organic fruits and vegetables increases the immunity. Consume a diet that is low in carbohydrates as the body is resistant to insulin. Lentils, chickpeas help in reducing the estrogen level. Avoid refined, processed and white sugar. Avoid coffee and aerated drinks, instead drink plenty of warm water and fresh juices. Avocado, soaked nuts and seeds contain essential fatty acids that is good for health.


Along with fruits and vegetables, meditation, yoga, enough sleep, panchakarma treatment for PCOS and ayurvedic medicines helps in PCOS treatment. Controlling the sugar intake is very important as it regulates the hormones and restores fertility. Hence PCOS treatment in Ayurveda is half treated by strictly following the weight loss diet.

Read Also - Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS and Pregnancy