Natural Therapies for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

"Blocked fallopian tubes are one of the major causes of infertility. The blockage of the tubes prevents conception."


Artavaha srotas in Ayurveda covers the entire female reproductive tract. Fallopian tubes are important part of artavaha srotasa as they carry bija rupi artava. Thus fallopian tube is also called artava bija vaha srotasa. Vata and kapha dosha are responsible for tubal blockage. The blockage may be due to certain reasons.


It is better to prevent the disease, hence opting for natural measures and ayurvedic lifestyle shall definitely keep you away from diseases. We shall discuss here some of the natural ways in curing the blocked fallopian tubes.


Natural Remedies For Blocked Fallopian Tube


1)            Quit smoking and drinking- it is well known that smoking and alcohol has adverse effect on health. One must immediately say ‘no’ to alcohol and tobacco.


2)            Get vitamin C rich diet- it boosts immunity and enhances the absorption of iron from foods and is helpful in treating the infection causing blockage of the tubes.


3)            Meditate to de stress- stress is the main cause of health related issues and infertility. Meditation relieves stress and restores the hormonal balance.


4)            Increase garlic consumption- garlic is anti bacterial and it boosts the immune system. It prevents blood clot and is very beneficial in improving blood circulation. Garlic reduces the scar formation and hence prevents tubal blockage.


5)            Turmeric- it is anti-inflammatory in nature. Curcumin in turmeric reduces inflammation.


6)            Lodhra- it is used in ayurvedic treatment and is recommended to enhance fertility and unblock fallopian tubes.


7)            Massage- fertility massage with warm oil on the abdominal area unblocks fallopian tubes.


8)            Mugwort- it is a time tested herb that has been into use for treating infertility. It enhances fertility and is used in blocked fallopian tubes.


9)            Exercise/ Yoga- it improves fertility and unblocks the blocked fallopian tubes. Yoga is also said to reduce stress.


10)          Diet modification- it has a vital role when it comes to fertility. Certain lack of nutrients results in complications in the child.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Blocked Fallopian Tube


Vata dosha causes constriction of the tubes and kapha dosha causes occlusion of the tubes. The drug chosen for unblocking the tubes must have vata kapha shamaka properties.


Ayurveda offers natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. Herbal formulations with properties of sukshma, laghu, sara, vyavayi, vikasi, pramathi etc are effective in treating blocked fallopian tubes.


The best ayurvedic method for treating blocked fallopian tube is uttara basti. For the drugs to reach the minute body channels intra uterine enema is the best method. Kshara taila or any kind of kshara is the best as it prevents recurrence. Apamarga kshara is tikshana with vata kapha shamak properties, which helps in removing the blockage hence apamarga taila is administered through uttara basti.


After uttara basti oral administration of phalakalyana ghrita improves your chances of getting pregnant. It is considered the standard treatment for management of fallopian tube blockage.


Tubal blockage treatment cost depends upon the type of blockage and may differ from hospital to hospital. The surgical treatment is very expensive and comes with certain side effects as well as chances of recurrence. Ayurvedic approach towards tubal blockage is affordable, has no side effect and there is no chances of recurrence. The treatment for blocked fallopian tubes in Ayurveda may cost approximately forty to sixty thousand.


If you are having a problem related to tubal blockage I would recommend Dr Chanchal Sharma as one of the best doctors for tubal blockage in Delhi.


How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally in Hindi


Watch Patient Video - How to Unblock Fallopian Tubes Naturally in Hindi - Aasha Ayurveda