Dr. Chanchal Sharma alarms about the rising count in Male-Infertility cases in India.
“The publication of Times of , January 2019 release reports that WHO factors 50% Male-Infertility out of total Infertility cases in India”
What is male infertility?
There are two factors that deprive Women of Mother-Hood and Men of Father-Hood, Infertility in either of them or in the worst case, in both. The inability to have a child after one or more years of unprotected sexual intercourse is known as Female-Infertility & Male-Infertility. Like Gynecology, Men-Infertility categorizes under the medical department, Urology.
Women release an egg each month that combines with sperm (Retasa) to fertilize and if there are no complications, conception happens. Out of millions of sperms, only one sperm penetrates the egg to fertilize as it is considered to be the strongest, other sperm cells die within a day or two. Infertility in Men, from a medical point of view, is positive when no sperm cells are strong enough to fertilize the Egg.
Infertility is no longer a rare incompetency, rather it mushrooms abundantly in men. Like Women, Men also face infertility issues and the numbers still grow rapidly due to reasons like, poor-lifestyles, alcohol, tobacco, genetic inheritance, weak-sperm, injury or could be due to the side effect of some non-Ayurvedic medicines.
Andrology and Eugenic (Vajikarana) is an important branch of Ayurveda and Charaka Samhita, Susruta samhita etc are the only sources for treatment of male infertility.
- Sexual Indulgence - known as Ativyavayat which states indulging in sexual activities.
- Lethargic - Avyayamat, inactiveness, rare body movements
- Mental & Physical Exertion - Vyayamat, Excess Stress and above normal body force and strength application
- Dietary - Asatmaya Annam, Low nutritive and vitamin deficient foods, regular consumption of excess salt & spice intake, poor lifestyle
- Asatmaya annam– intake of spicy, salted, frozen- preserved food, low nutrition diet and lifestyle disorder results in degradation of Rakta and Pitta Doha, including the quantity of shukra dhatu.
- Other Male-Infertility factors - Fear, Stress, Anxiety, uncomfortable clothing (tight-cloth wears), adverse (Excess warm) environment, Smoking, alcohol consumption etc.
Mental Stress - Male infertility symptoms
The Nervous System & Adrenal hormones affect Male Infertility as these are utmost participants of men reproductive system. Clinical trials reports decrease in testosterone level and sperm formation in men due to Mental Stress.
Temperature also a reasons for male infertility
Sperm develops in the testicles in a specific temperature which is lower than body’s temperature. High temperature restricts sperm-formation in Men.
Even non-breathable clothing increases body temperature as venting is very minimal. This too factors men's infertility.
Smoking - Cause of Infertility in men
Cigarettes directly hit erectile function in Men and don't force sperm ejaculation during sexual intercourse which further decreases the reach of the sperm to hit the egg.
Alcohol drains testosterone level, leading to libido loss and reduces sperm quality and quantity. Liver scopes metabolism which further develops vitamin-A, an important role player that develops sperm, but alcohol degrades liver performance and opens gates to Male-Infertility.
Male infertility symptoms
Symptoms most infertile men over-look. Some common signs of Men Infertility are :- -
- Failure in attaining Full Erection
- Inability to Force Ejaculate
- Testicles-Pain & Swell
- Loss of libido
- Testicle loose & Low Size
Types of male infertility
Types of male infertility in Ayurveda classify as Doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
- Shukra Dushti under Vataja
- Shukra Dushti under Pittaja
- shukra dushti under Kaphaja
- Shukra Dushti under Sannipataja.
Diagnosis - Male infertility
Diagnosis of male infertility - General physical examination, semen-analysis, scrotal-ultrasound, hormone-test, post-ejaculation urinalysis, genetic-testing, testicular biopsy-sperm function test, and trans-rectal ultrasound.
No absolute treatment for male infertility is mentioned in modern science.
But there is a growing demand for Ayurvedic medicines for male infertility.
- Dincharya
- Ritucharya
- Ratricharya
- Thrayopasthamba palana
- Samvritha
- Achara rasayana
- Ashtanga yogas
Panchakarma therapy for male infertility is an effective method. It classifies in3 major steps & further sub classifies.
1) Preliminary treatment – Involves Oleation and Sudation.
2) Main treatment (Panchakarma)– includes Virechan with castor oil and milk. Sneha basti, an oil enema. Basti, yapana vasti (rejuvenating enema that can be used for a long period without any adverse effects), Uttara-Vasti, an enema administration through Urethral Orifice.
3) Medicine Management after Panchakarma – Vajikarana drugs are mentioned in Charaka-Samhita for specific infertility management.
Male infertility medicines & Herbs - Vajikarana and Shukral are:–
- Kapikacchu - treats low sperm motility and nourishes it increasing the sperm quality & concentration.
- Gokshura - increases testosterone (Male Hormone) level.
- Ashwagandha enhances Spermatogenesis.
- Shatavari - reduces Oxidative Stress and Enhances fertility.
- Yashtimadhu - improves sperm’s quality.
There are complementary herbs that nourishes and revives Urology issue, like Shilajit-Rasayan, Abhrak-Bhasma, Sukumara-Ghrita, Agnitundi-Vati, Ashwagandha Ghrita, Chyavanprasha, Dashmularishta, Chandra Prabha-Vati etc.
Ayurvedic Sperm Purifying Herbal Medicines are Kushtha, Katphala, Samudra Phena, Vasuka, Ikshu etc. Ayurvedic medicines for Sperm formation are Jivaka, Kakoli, Kshirakakoli, Meda etc. The prescribed intake of these herbs is with milk, rice, urad dal or Vajikarana-Diet.
Ayurvedic Male Infertility Specialists and other Infertility Specialists like Dr Chanchal Sharma advise yoga with medication enhancement that helps in treating infertility. Yoga stances and poses are also helpful in increasing men's fertility.
Ayurveda emphasizes treating diseases naturally. Natural therapy enhances sperm quality, quantity and improves Urology deficiency increasing chances of male fertility.
- Consumption of Organic fruits and vegetables, whole-grains, leguminous seeds, nuts, fish.
- Increase Liquid intake to be hydrated.
- Stop processed & refined foods, saturated-fats and hydrogenated oils.
- Pumpkin’s seeds are zinc-rich with essential fatty acids and play a crucial role in hormone production.
- Recommended Dietary Supplements is also the natural fertility treatment for a male like vitamin B-12,C,E and flax-seed oil, zinc, coenzyme Q 10 etc increase sperm’s count and motility.
Infertility Expert Dr Chanchal footnote significance of Indian traditional herbs that have the healing elements and have proved to improve men infertility. Where modern medical treatments are expensive, surgery dependent and pose side-effects, Ayurvedic herbal treatment is pure, supplements the body with the required nutrition and is natural in approach and application. In case of lack of clarity you can write/call use, details mentioned below. For consulting regarding male infertility treatment in Delhi, walk-in to our fertility centre in Rajouri Garden.