How to Get Pregnant with Irregular Periods?

Is it possible to get pregnant with irregular periods? Yes, but it might be a little difficult when compared with those with regular periods. Some might get pregnant naturally and some might need the help of ayurvedic treatment for infertility.


Irregular periods problem is faced by many women. The normal periods cycle is usually 28 days, which can be 31 days and 27 days as well. The menstrual cycle shorter than 21 days and longer than 35 days is considered abnormal.


Why It Is Not Easy To Get Pregnant With Irregular Menstrual Cycle?


Irregular period reflects the health of the female reproductive system and is a sign of irregular ovulation. Even if ovulation does not occur menstrual bleeding is possible because the uterine lining becomes thick. The thickening of uterine lining is due to the unopposed secretion of estrogen. In some cases there are unknown causes of irregular menstruation.


Irregular periods may indicate hormonal imbalance. It might be a sign of anovulation and if you are not ovulating you cant get pregnant without the help of ayurvedic treatment for infertility.


Those who are having irregular periods might get pregnant but with certain difficulties. As it becomes difficult to know your ovulation day. Having sex during the fertile window increases the chances of pregnancy.


Possible Causes Of Irregular Periods


We shall discuss here some of the disorder that causes irregular ovulation and your inability to carry pregnancy.


STRESS – stress affects the ovulation and also bodily functions. People who are stressed have more irregular periods compared to those who are not in stress.


PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) – it is an endocrine disorder affecting the women in their reproductive age. There is secretion of too much of male hormones that prevents the mature eggs from developing. PCOS is the most common cause of infertility caused due to irregular ovulation. Ayurvedic treatment for getting pregnant with PCOS works on the 3 principles - detoxification, balancing the hormones, strengthening and revitalizing the female reproductive system.


The ayurvedic treatment for getting pregnant has a holistic approach. The treatment is tailored according to the individual’s need and thus each patient is provided with unique therapy depending upon the need of an individual.


WEIGHT – maintaining an ideal weight is am important factor for maintaining the balance of hormones. Imbalance of hormones may cause irregular periods and irregular ovulation thus leading to difficulty in getting pregnant. Ayurvedic therapy has a significant result in weight management. If you are facing obesity and trying to conceive consult an ayurvedic doctor for getting pregnant while dealing with obesity.


THYROID – thyroid regulates the hormones and has a direct impact on ovulation and menstruation. According to the research 15% to 18% of girls with thyroid disorder have irregular periods. Ayurvedic medicines such as varunadi kashaya, punarnavadi kashaya, kanchnar guggulu etc helps in maintaining the proper functioning of thyroid gland.


EXCESSIVE EXERCISE – excessive workout and extreme fasting causes irregular menstrual cycle.


PERIMENOPAUSE – it is a period of time before menopause occurs. This causes irregular periods and ovulation as with advancing age there is decline in estrogen and progesterone. During perimenopause it is little difficult to get pregnant but not impossible. The symptoms include night sweats, irregular periods, mood swings and hot flashes.



As you know that irregularity in periods occur due to certain reasons mentioned above. A woman with healthy menstrual cycle has high chances of getting regnant naturally. However those with irregular periods need not worry. Ayurveda offers you wonderful herbal medicines and therapies that regularizes your menstrual cycle. ayurvedic medicines such as shatavri, dashmoolarishta, ashwagandha, manjishtha, aloe vera, ginger, pepper, cinnamon etc.


One must see a doctor if menstrual bleeding lasts for more than a week, no periods for 3 months or more, painful periods, heavy flow and if not being able to conceive after trying for a year visit an ayurvedic doctor for infertility soon. Irregular periods not necessarily affect fertility but it is always advised to seek ayurvedic infertility specialist if your menstrual cycle is abnormal and you are having difficulty in conceiving.




- How to Get Pregnant with Irregular Periods?

You might get pregnant with irregular periods but if the irregularity of menstrual cycle is beyond the normal range and you are not able to conceive after a year of sexual intercourse then it is time to see ayurvedic doctor who specializes in infertility treatment. Your doctor will help you to get pregnant.


- If your Period is Irregular, can you still get Pregnant?

Irregular periods not necessarily affect fertility. So, yes there are many women who are able to get pregnant with irregular periods. The pregnancy in such cases depends hugely upon the cause of irregular periods.


- What are the Signs of Pregnancy when you have Irregular Periods?

If your periods are irregular then count 36 days from the first day of your menstrual cycle. With the blood test or urine pregnancy test you can detect the pregnancy, as hCG level is high at this point.


- How can I Regulate my Periods Naturally?

By following a proper diet and life style including yoga or exercise and with certain herbal supplements you can regulate your periods naturally. To know more about it consult ayurvedic doctor.


- When to Test for Pregnancy if Irregular Periods?

Four weeks after your last sexual intercourse or 36 days after the first day of your last menstrual flow is the best time to test pregnancy if your periods are irregular.


- Does Irregular Periods mean Infertility?

Irregular period does not mean a girl is not ovulating. Ovulation still takes place even if periods are irregular. Thus a thorough check up by your doctor will determine if your irregular periods cause infertility.


- How to Get Pregnant Fast with Irregular Periods?

There is no such way of getting pregnant fast. If it is your irregular menstruation that is causing the fertility issue then the reason behind the irregular periods shall determine how fast you can get pregnant. As there is a specific treatment plan depending upon the severity of the cause.


If You have an irregular periods problem, you can get fix appointment with Dr Chanchal Sharma for ayurvedic treatment for getting pregnant,  also watch the patients video -


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