Best Herbs as Ayurvedic Medicine for Ovulation

The release of mature ovum from the ovarian follicles into the fallopian tube for fertilization is termed as ovulation. In Ayurveda the word artava is used for ovulation and shonita for ovum. Ovulation process is very nicely elaborated in Ayurveda and ayurvedic treatment is said to significantly increase fertility.


Ovulation In Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda vata dosha is responsible for every function of body.


                     “यंत्रः तन्त्रः धाराः वायु”


Acharya Charaka lays the importance of vata dosha by saying that when it is in normal state it supports and nourishes the body but imbalance of vayu gives rise to certain abnormalities.


Vitiation of vata causes ovulatory dysfunction that contributes to 40% of infertility cases in females.


In Ayurveda the menstrual cycle has 3 phases according to the doshas i.e vata phase, pitta phase and kapha phase.


-Vata phase lasts from first day of the period upto 5th day.

-Kapha phase starts from last day of the menstrual cycle till ovulation (4th to 14th day)

-Pitta phase starts from the day of the ovulation till the next periods.


Vata dosha causes a downward movement of the menstrual blood. Vata dosha predominated during the periods.


Kapha dosha is responsible for building the endometrium. It restores strength and helps in preparing the body for conception.


During the pitta phase the progesterone hormone is at its peak. Pre menstrual symptom is a sign of imbalance of pitta dosha.



Ovulation And Infertility


There are four essential factors i.e ritu, kshetra, ambu and bija meaning fertile period, healthy reproductive organs, proper nutrients and ovum/sperm respectively. Defect in any of the four causes infertility.


Bija is directly related to ovulation process and absence of bija is related to anovulation. Imbalance in artava results in absence of bija (ovum), it is the main reason for anovulatory cycle.


Anovulatory cycle is now a life style disorder. improper food habits and life style causes vitiation of doshas and mal-absorption leads to obstruction of the body channels. Due to dhatu kshaya and obstruction of the channels vata dosha aggravates along with pitta and kapha. Diminished menstrual cycle is caused by vata and pitta dosha. Due to obstruction in the pathway of doshas, menstrual phase is destroyed in women. Symptoms of diminished menstrual cycle involves, delayed periods, scanty flow, pain in vagina.


Scanty bleeding is one of the main symptom of polycystic ovarian disorder. In this ovulation does not occur. 26 to 44% of female infertility is due to the ovulatory factor.



Use of hormonal therapy for ovulation induction is bit costly and comes with many side effects. Thus ayurvedic medicine for ovulation is preferred. Use of some of the best herbs, as ayurvedic medicine for ovulation balances the hormones and are very beneficial in inducing ovulation.

Such herbs do not cause any side effects and have significant result.


Infertility Treatment In Ayurveda Or Herbs Used For Ovulation Induction To Increase Fertility


Nirgundi- it is one of the best herb used for inducing ovulation. It normalizes the gland responsible for producing sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It balances the female hormones and increases the ovulation frequency. It is one of the best choice for ayurvedic infertility treatment.


1)Atasi (flaxseed)- the lignans content in flaxseed balances the hormones and regulates the reproductive cycle.


2)Vrishchikali- it is the most effective herb for ovulation. Its  calcium content and antioxidant properties affects women’s ability to conceive. It is rich in vitamin A,C,D and K, potassium, phosphorus, iron and sulphur. Vrishchikali enhances the reproductive health of a woman.



3)Herbs used for ovulation disorder due to PCOS are- varun, kanchnaar, guggulu, ashokarishta, dashmoolarishta, chandraprapha vati, yograj guggulu, ashola,shatavari, aloe vera etc.


4)Pippalyadi yoga is a herbal formulation used in ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy. This particular formulation is used along with ghee as it decreases the sharp quality of formulation. It eliminates any obstruction and maintains the proper functioning of apana vayu.


5) Basti karma- The administration of medicated liquid through intra-uterine or vaginal route stimulates the receptors and improves the ovulation. This therapy is a part of panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda, called uttara basti.


Shatpushpa and shatavari increases the endometrial thickness and induces ovulation. The oil of these two herbs acts directly on the uterus and is said to improve the menstrual flow. It is one of the safest, natural and cost effective treatment for ovulation induction and thus improving fertility. Medicine given through basti karma pacifies the doshas


6)Nasya karma eliminates the morbid doshas and promotes the physiological function. Narayana taila, shatavari taila, tila taila used in nasya karma stimulates the olfactory nerves which stimulates the gonadotropin releasing hormones leading to ovulation.



7) Shilajit has a miraculous effect. It stimulates the oocytes and frequency of ovulation.


8) Kanchnar guggulu, ashokadivati, nagakesara churna is used for the growth of the follicles and cures ovulation problems.


9) Phalaghritam, phalakalyana ghritam are effective in the condition where ovary is healthy but there is delay in ovulation.


Thus we see that there are so many ayurvedic medicines for ovulation that also has a positive impact on vital system of the body.

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