Ayurvedic Treatment For Ovulation

There are many women facing serious issues related to ovulation. The article is about the process of ovulation and its ayurvedic treatment.

What Do You Mean By Ovulation? Why It Is Important?

The release of egg/ovum by the ovarian follicles during menstruation is called ovulation. The ovum travels through the fallopian tube where it meets the sperms and is fertilized. Any sort of disorder that affects your ovulation leads to infertility or difficulty in conceiving.

Time Of Ovulation

In a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation happens around 14th day. The exact time of ovulation may be different in every woman depending upon the days of each menstrual cycle. Ovulation begins with the release of follicle stimulating hormones, usually between 6 and 14 day of your menstrual cycle.


When the eggs are matured the body releases luteinizing hormone, which triggers the release of egg. Ovulation happens 28 to 36 hours after the body releases leutinizing hormone.

Common Signs And Symptoms Of Ovulation


Ovulation symptoms may vary from woman to woman. Some of them do not experience any symptoms at all. Three main signs of ovulation are-


1)        Change in basal body temperature- in most of the women the basal body temperature remains consistent before ovulation. In some, as the ovulation is closer the temperature declines and increases after ovulation. The increase in temperature signifies that ovulation has occurred.


2)        Change in cervical fluid- there is a discharge of fluid, like egg white that shows you will ovulate soon. The fluid may not be same in all women.


3)        Firmness in cervix- there are many changes in the cervix when a woman ovulates. The cervix becomes soft, open and wet during ovulation. It takes time to notice these changes.


There are certain other signs that occur along with the above signs. These signs may or may not occur in every woman.


-        Tenderness in the breast

-        Light spotting

-        Abdominal bloating

-        Slight pain on one side of the pelvis

-        The sense of smell, vision and taste increases

-        Increased sex drive


The sign of ovulation may not get recognized easily by some women but with time many of them easily recognize the common signs.


The menstrual cycle is an important part of ovulation. Healthy and regular menstrual flow maintains a proper cycle of ovulation. If ovulation does not occur it results in infertility. The most common mistake that may result in infertility is consuming oral contraceptives, as it causes disturbance in menstrual cycle.


How Is Ovulation Treated In Ayurveda?


Menstrual cycle is affected by factors such as stress, physical exercise, lifestyle and other things. According to Ayurveda any abnormality in the body is due to vitiated digestive fire of the body and the vitiated


Ayurvedic Treatment For Ovulation


Ayurvedic treatment for ovulation has a significant result in treating infertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common disorder where problem in ovulation is the main symptom.


Ayurveda maintains the health of a person through following proper diet and lifestyle. The treatment involves detoxification therapy ‘panchakarma’. The therapies included are vamana, virechan, nasya, basti and raktamokshan.


Ayurvedic treatment releases tension and eliminates all the toxins from the body. It thus nourishes the body, enhances the immune system and revitalizes the mind. Infertility, as we have discussed earlier is the result of certain diseases. Thus the herbal formulations are used to treat the underlying cause.


Individual herbs alone are not much effective but the formulations of herb are useful for treating ovulation. Ayurvedic herbs such as ashoka, dashmoola, shatavari, aloe vera, guggulu etc are used in ovulation disorder.


The correct combination of herbs helps in maintaining the menstrual cycle, enhances the health and wellness of an individual, reduce stress, treats insomnia, balances the hormones, improves blood circulation and thus treats infertility.

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