"PCOS and obesity is the most common endocrine disorder in females associated with sub fertility. Because of the sedentary life style, pollution, poor diet there is increase in the incidence of this disease."
PCOS is commonly observed in women with irregular menstrual bleeding or seeking infertility treatment. It is a condition where due to imbalance of the hormones the follicular growth is affected thus affecting the ovarian cycle.
The ovarian cycle totally depends on the hormones. Hypothalamus governs the ovarian cycle, which needs follicular stimulating hormone and lutenizing hormone from pituitary gland. Thus getting pregnant with PCOS is not an easy task. It is considered vatakapha predominant tridoshaja vyadhi. Due to unhealthy eating habits and no workout the digestive system becomes weak, this leads to formation of ama (toxins) hence resulting in artavadushti.
The vitiated kapha along with toxins produces symptoms such as sleepiness, obesity around the abdomen, laziness, hirsuitism oligomenorrhoea, infertility etc.
PCOS women are generally sub fertile and obesity increases the chances of infertility. Women with PCOS are at higher risk of miscarriage compared to normal women. It is really important to consult the doctor at earliest as PCOS being the multifactorial disease, if left untreated it gives rise to certain complications such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity especially in abdominal area, carcinoma etc.
Panchakarma Therapy For Pcos
Panchakarma therapy is also known as shodhan chikitsa or purification therapy. It is followed by shaman chikitsa. Panchakarma is one of the best ayurvedic treatment for getting pregnant, used by ayurvedic doctors for PCOS.
The treatment involves –
1) Deepana, pachana with herbs such as shunthi, haritaki, pippali, hinga, saindhava, go-ghrita etc. these drugs are given for a duration depending upon the condition of the patient, usually for 3 days.
2) Koshtha shodhana (emptying bowel) – this is done with eranda and haritaki.
- Vamana – it eliminates toxins through induces vomiting. It is an important therapy for management of PCOS. It may not be done in some PCOS patients. Your doctor shall decide this on consultaion.
- Virechana – it eliminates the toxins through the anal route by inducing purgation. The therapy is extremely beneficial in irregular menses, obesity, hormonal imbalance and other many symptoms found in PCOS. It may not be recommended for all.
- Basti therapy – it is the most effective panchakarma therapy for PCOS. Niruha basti and anuvasana basti – both of these is included under palasadi yogabasti. Tiltaila is used for anuvasana basti. Niruha basti is administered empty stomach and anuvasana basti after food intake.
- Purva karma- local massage with medicated oil on the abdomen and low back followed by local swedana.
- Pradhana karma – medicated enema is administered through the rectal route.
- Paschat karma – after the basti dravya comes out, proper rest is recommended.
- Anuvasana basti with til tailam is administered through rectal route.
- Udvartana – it involves dry powder massage on the entire body. the therapy increases blood circulation, skin detoxification and boost metabolism thus helping in weight loss.
3) Shamana chikitsa involves oral intake of herbal medicines such as pathadi choorna that maintains the metabolism and weight in PCOS patients.
The ayurvedic treatment i.e shodana and shaman improves the ovulation, egg quality, inner lining of the uterus and helps a woman get pregnant with no further complications. Weight management being the first line of treatment of PCOS, is achieved by certain ayurvedic medicines. Herbal formulations are the best ayurvedic medicine for PCOS as it has a significant result in restoring the ovulation. Through the ayurvedic medicine and therapy there is an increase in conception rate.
If you are having any health issues that accompany PCOS, visit Aasha Ayurveda. This ayurvedic centre is well known as it is led by one of the best ayurvedic doctor for PCOS in Delhi. It is very important to have a careful assessment by a qualified ayurvedic practitioner before undergoing ayurvedic treatment or panchakarma therapy.