Ayurvedic Doctors For Pcos In Delhi

Approximately one out of ten women suffer from PCOS. It is one of the most common disease to affect women in their reproductive age. In polycystic ovarian syndrome, there are multiple cysts causing the ovary to expand. PCOS causes hormonal imbalance, irregular menstrual cycle, insulin resistance, weight gain, infertility etc.


 Ayurvedic Doctors For Pcos In Delhi


There is not an exact description of PCOS in ayurveda. However the symptoms are very similar to ‘artava dusti’ caused by improper lifestyle and diet management and also due to genetic problems. PCOS treatment in ayurveda has a holistic approach in treating the disease. Ayurvedic treatment works by taking mind and body as one. Aasha ayurveda has one of the best ayurvedic doctor for infertility in Delhi.


According to the studies at Aasha Ayurveda, centre for polycystic ovarian syndrome treatment in Delhi, PCOS can surely be cured with ayurvedic medicines. More than 90% of the patients who visited Aasha for PCOS treatment in ayurveda, were cured by Dr. Chanchal Sharma an expert professional.

As per ayurveda, vata-pitta-kapha are the three doshas that controls the body functions. Shukra dhatu is responsible for the reproductive health of men and women. Imbalance of the doshas and problem in shukra dhatu can cause infertility in both the gender. Ayurvedic doctors for PCOS in Delhi along with herbal medicines prescribe certain yoga and asanas.


According to the best ayurvedic doctors in Delhi, panchakarma the part of ayurveda is practiced to cure any disease. The therapy cleans the body channels, removes the toxins and cures the diseases. It is one of the most effective therapy for PCOS treatment in ayurveda. You can book your appointment with Dr Chanchal Sharma, known as one of the best ayurvedic doctor for PCOS/ infertility in Delhi, for panchakarma therapies at Aasha Ayurveda, centre for polycystic ovarian syndrome treatment in Delhi. Or visit their website aashaayurveda.com for more details.


Dr. Chanchal Sharma suggests that 100% natural cure from ayurvedic treatment must be combined with lifestyle and diet modification.


Also, Read - Find Effective Herbal Treatment for Female Infertility at Aasha Ayurveda


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